Secondly, we will analyze the legal connotation of the real estate market macroeconomic regulation and control elementary theory; 其次将解析房地产市场宏观调控基本理论问题的法律内涵;
The treatment of accounting, tax and legal implications from owning real estate on an international basis has not yet been explored by any of the researchers. 跨国界的拥有房地产使用的会计方式,税收及涉及的法律问题仍未被研究人员涉及过。
What calls estate exchange? Answer: estate exchange is the legal behaviour that the estate that shows party will be had severally changes opposite party each other. 什么叫房地产交换?答:房地产交换是指当事人将各自拥有的房地产相互转移给对方的法律行为。
The Legal Regulation for Utilize of Real Estate of Public Institution; The fair is more than a business event. 论事业单位不动产商业利用的法律规制交易会不只是商业活动。
Dennis Hope, CEO of Lunar Embassy, a California-based company, says he is the sole and legal owner of the real estate on the moon and eight other planetary bodies. 该公司首席执行官丹尼斯·霍普声称,只有他才是月球及其他八大行星不动产惟一合法的拥有者。
A Study on the Legal Status of Real Estate Project Company 房地产合作开发项目公司法律地位探析
The second chapter makes legal analysis on real estate trust. 第二章对不动产信托作了法理分析。
The Legal Study of Real Estate Tax 物业税法律问题研究
A reasonable and suitable legal legislation system to our country will be seeked for in the article that deals with bankrupt estate concept, nature and the prerequisite specially compares with legal system on the bankrupt estate in the western countries. 文章通过论述破产财产的概念、性质及其构成要价,特别是对西方国家相关的破产立法例进行比较,寻求一种合理的、适合我国的破产财产立法体制。
The contract of real estate management is not only the core of the legal relations of real estate management, but the important part of Regulations on Real Estate Management. 物业管理合同是物业管理法律关系的核心,也是《物业管理条例》的重要内容。
The second part is about the legal nature of Real Estate mortgage analysis; 第二部分商品房按揭的法律性质分析;
An Legal Analysis on Levying Estate Tax in China 对我国征收遗产税的法理分析
Researches on the Legal System of Real Estate Securitization 不动产证券化的法律制度研究
The Study on the Legal System Problem of Real Estate Investment Trusts in China 中国发展房地产投资信托基金存在的法律制度问题分析
Therefore, in order to absorb more investment from overseas, Chinese government should further improve the legal system of real estate industry, the macro-control system of the market and the transparency of the industry. 因此,因此应该进一步加强房地产业制度法规建设,完善市场监管体系,增强行业透明度,从而吸引外商投资。
On Legal Attribute of Contract for Estate Management 物业管理合同法律属性之新解
Probing into Teaching Reform of Legal Elementary Knowledge for Real Estate Speciality 房地产专业《法律基础》课教学改革探讨
Chapter six make clear the real estate investment trust-related market and laws and regulations in China, and use international law relating to the REITs for reference to built legal system of real estate investment trust fund in China. 第六章在综合我国现有的房地产投资信托基金相关法律法规,并借鉴国际上关于REITs法律规定的基础上,初步构建了我国房地产投资信托基金的法律制度。
The text is divided into five chapters, which are summarized as follows: Chapter 1 deals with the basic theory of legal system on the Real Estate Registration. 全文分为五章,内容概要如下:第一章论述不动产登记法律制度基本理论。
Thus, the legal risks in commercial real estate mortgage have different types according to some standards. 商品房按揭法律风险有不同的类型。
The shortage of legal approval process for real estate is the direct reason to subprime lending crisis, which is a human governing crisis. 次贷危机是人治的危机其直接原因是房地产法律论证程序的缺失。
Therefore, It is of great urgency to reform and improve current legal system of the real estate tax. 改革和完善当前的房地产税收制度已刻不容缓。
Through analysis of practice and theory, the legal nature of real estate subscription contract should normally be identified as booking contract. 通过实践分析和理论探讨,商品房认购合同的法律性质一般应认定为预约合同。
By unscrambling of related provisions and analyzing the legislative purpose of legal norm on real estate industry, the regulations on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building are identified as mandatory provisions. 通过解读相关法条并分析房地产法律规范的立法目的,商品房交付条件的规定应定性为强行性规定。
The research revealed that there is no basic change in real estate contract system caused by the modification of legal documents in the last stage of Qing Dynasty. Moreover, there is only minor transition in legal system of real estate in the practice aspect. 通过研究发现,清末变革时期法律文本的改变并没有导致房地产契证制度的根本改变,体现在实践层面上房地产法律的制度性变化较小。
The legal status of estate administrator in foreign countries is different from that in Hong Kong and Taiwan. 关于遗产管理人的法律地位,在国外及我国港台地区的立法规定各有不同。
First, it states condition of achieving legal pre-emptive right of real estate should have lawful basic legal relation. 分析不动产法定优先购买权的取得条件必须存在法定的基础法律关系。
Specifically, it can be split into four main aspects, that is, legal system of urban real estate management, legal system of urban traffic management, legal system of city daily supply management and legal system of city sanitation management. 又分为城市房产管理法律制度,城市交通管理法律制度,城市日常供给管理法律制度和城市卫生管理法律制度四大方面。
Put forward the idea of improving the legal system of real estate. 提出完善房地产法律制度的构想。